Where do I start?

The Notebook has lots of information. Figuring out where to start can be the biggest challenge. Experienced users may be surprised to find things they didn't know are in the Notebook. Here are some things you can do.

For students and educators

Traverse map

APOApplies to the
Apollo AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
Zoom around an image showing the traverse path. This is a good way to find data by location. Find these under the Map tab.


MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the
Search and view image mosaics from throughout the mission. Find them using Data Search. Context mosaics also are listed with other mosaics in the Sol tab.

For science enthusiasts

In addition to the items above, science enthusiasts might also enjoy:

Mission overview

See a high level overview of mission operations on a sol by sol basis. Find it under the Mission tab.

Sol summaries

Access mission details organized by sol. The listings include image thumbnails, daily reports, targets, mosaics, and activity plans. Links to details are provided for each item. Find these under the Sol tab.

User settings

Access your personal Notebook history, bookmarks, cart, and settings . Find it under the User tab.

For planetary scientists

In addition to the items above, planetary scientists might also find these useful:

Search for data products

Build custom searches to locate data products, documents, and targets. Find this under the Search tab.

Image measurement and annotation tool

MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the
Find locations, measure distances, and create custom profiles for stereo Hazcam and Navcam images with XYZ data. Make image measurements from detail pages of image products found in the Sol tab. Also add annotations like lines and text to images, and download the results.

Mission overview

See a high level overview of mission operations on a sol by sol basis. Find it under the Mission tab.

Data set documents

Access documents detailing products, calibration, and errata. Find them under the Resource tab. Links to documents are also provided in the detail page help menu.